About San Juan Del Sur
San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua
The town of San Juan Del Sur has character and a rich Nicaraguan culture that makes it a unique and special destination.
Nicaragua was inhabited by a variety of native tribes with different languages and customs before its colonization by the Spanish in the early 1600's. Though most of the culture was lost and many died during the countries evolution the culture and Native dialects still remain in unpopulated and pristine areas of the land. Some language, arts, and Nicaraguan cuisine continue to thrive.
San Juan Del Sur is a small fishing bay, in the Southern zone of Nicaragua. The town is home to about 10,000 people. It's downtown area is paved and is about 4 blocks by 4 blocks. It has some wonderful beachfront restaurants and is great for swimming or walking.
A little Nicaraguan history: The Somoza multigenerational dictatorship began in 1937 following 20 years of US occupation in the early 1900s. The Somoza rule finally fell to a popular revolution in 1979. During the 1980s, Congress voted to provide support to the exiled national guard to mobilize a civil war against the Sandinista Government. After years of civil war and economic sanctions, Daniel Ortega’s government lost an election in 1992 to Violeta Chamorro the center-right candidate.
Daniel Ortega and the Sandinistas took office again in 2008. Governing in peace has resulted in vast improvements in our public infrastructure along with solid economic growth.
On 18 April 2018, demonstrators in several cities of Nicaragua began protests against the social security reforms decreed by President Daniel Ortega that increased taxes and decreased benefits. The situation has since stabilized. San Juan Del Sur has seen very little effect of any political issues in the last 10 years.
The Capital of Nicaragua is Managua. Almost everything is available there. It is about a 2 hour drive from San Juan Del Sur (or SJDS as it is often referred to as. Nicaragua is full of rich jungles, lakes, volcanoes, and waterfalls. It is home to the beautiful and historic cities of Granada and Leon which are filled with beautiful architecture.
We are happy to arrange tours that suit your nature. We have natural spa tours, culinary tours, lake trips, and volcano hikes, and active volcano evening tours.