Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga Teacher Training
Gypsea Yoga School
Embark on an inward journey to discover your highest self and true purpose through ancient yoga teachings, introspection, and self-love. Discover how to live your dharma by connecting to your inner child. This is a soul-rocking, life changing opportunity to dig deep, connect, paint, play, laugh, cry and love. Understand samadhi (universal oneness) and the integration of nature and divinity by learning about medicinal plants, local ecology, permaculture, and conservation. Frolic in the waves, hike a magical rainforest, paddle majestic mangrove tunnels, unleash your inner child! Go zip-lining, surfing, whale watching and explore magnificent waterfalls on your days off!
Upon your arrival, the Diaz family welcomes you with open arms, taking you in as one of their own. Inside the house you’ll feel right at home, and part of the jungle in this 2 story “tree house” paradise. With hiking trails right on site, you’ll have ample opportunity to explore both without and within. Julio will take you through his medicine cabinet of a garden, teaching you all about traditional remedies.
Classes are held on a large solid wood yoga platform alongside a natural creek in the rainforest and in a cozy classroom in the main building. You will always be within earshot of songbirds and able to enjoy the view of towering ancient trees. Frequent visitors include howler monkeys, sloths, iguanas and beautiful tropical birds.
Our training is designed to help you connect with and nurture your inner child through play, art, movement and nature. We will explore ancient teachings with dance, painting, journaling, and acro yoga. Understand how food is grown on a permaculture farm, connect barefoot to the Earth and move with intention.
*Please note, the prerequisite for this course is at least 1 year of consistent, steady yoga practice.
Uvita is a small village on the southwest coast of Costa Rica. It is notable for being located where the mountains most closely reach the Pacific Ocean and is the closest village to Marino Ballena National Park (roughly a 40 minute walk, or 5 minute taxi ride). This tropical hamlet possesses great charm in an unspoiled and serene atmosphere. With palm trees swaying in the wind, providing shady relief from the intense Pacific sun, there is plenty of outdoor options in this tropical paradise.
Uvita is the major stomping ground of Costa Rica’s whale and dolphin species. The nation’s most iconic and oft-spotted whale, the humpback, spends more than eight months a year in these waters – the longest humpback whale season in the world!
Hospedaje El Bosquecito is situated on a quiet section of the main road of Uvita. Located right beside a small creek and forest, guests have the pleasure of being up close to birds, toucans, monkeys, sloths, and iguanas. The sound of the water brings a tranquil atmosphere. Restaurants, banks, and other services are a short walk away.
Our accommodations offer guests a serene and peaceful home away from home experience. The rooms are equipped with full bathrooms and windows that open to beautiful jungle scenery. Although hot water is not plumbed into the main house, we do have a hot water shower on site available to all. However, the cool water showers are a welcome treat after a long hot day. Wifi is accessible from the rooms and throughout the house. Fall asleep to the sound of a babbling brook right outside your window!
The Sunday night prior to the first day of class is included in your course fee; you must arrive by Sunday afternoon, as the welcome ceremony will begin at 3:00PM.
This course includes 3 home-cooked vegetarian meals per day Monday through Friday. Our food is locally sourced and meals are largely typical Costa Rican cuisine, with ample amounts of fresh tropical fruits! Please plan to purchase your own snacks between meals, as well as meals on Saturday and Sunday.
*Eco hikes (medicinal plants, local wildlife, mangroves, beach, and primary rain forest)
*River swim and meditation
*Enchanted bamboo forest
*Waterfall adventures
*Parque Nacional Marino Ballena (5,510 hectares of beach, mangrove estuary, lowland rainforest and marine habitats)
Our study focus is centered around the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar. We will discuss each sutra thoroughly, breakdown common hatha and vinyasa asanas and work through sequencing and language for teaching classes. You will learn and practice many traditional pranayama and meditation techniques daily, immersed in the serenity of natural forests.
Learn the language used to cue common asanas and how to sequence your own classes. By the end of the course you will feel ready to begin offering classes in your own unique style.
Gain insight from a certified teacher with over 8 years of experience. Learn to apply methods for all ages and levels of experience to achieve the desired learning and healing for your future students.
ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY – 10 Contact Hours
An overview of basic anatomy as it applies to common poses will be presented. You will learn about how yoga brings balance to each bodily system, and how they integrate for optimal health. We’ll also include energy anatomy and physiology (chakras, nadis, etc.)
Dive into the major philosophical texts guiding modern yoga. Learn the concepts that make up the building blocks for full integration of mind, body an soul.
PRACTICUM – 5 Contact Hours
Practice teaching as the lead instructor and receive feedback from experienced teachers.
(Purchase & bring with you)
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Translation & Commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda
Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar
The Key Muscles of Yoga by Ray Long
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Translation & Commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda
Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar
The Key Muscles of Yoga by Ray Long
(subject to change depending on scheduled excursions and weather)
6:00AM Asana & Pranayama Class
7:30 AM Meditation
8:00 AM Breakfast
9AM Yoga Sutras & Bhagavad Gita
10AM Asana Workshop
12PM Lunch
1PM Lecture & Small Group Activities (Teaching Methodology, Anatomy & Physiology)
3PM Practice Teaching
4:30 PM Evening Satsang
5:30 Dinner
Courtney Fletcher
E-RYT 500, YACEP, Reiki
Courtney is an ex-gymnast, spinally fused, 14-year yogi, Ashtangi, trained in India, with a gypSEA soul whose practice draws from hatha, kundalini and vinyasa. Her heart-centered approach evokes an understanding of interconnectedness through a focus on self-love, nature and seva (service). The intention being for students to discover the light within that ignites their path to inner peace, the connection which opens the heart to universal love.
Monica Ann Pellegrino
E-RYT 200, Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Crystal Healer, Reiki Master Teacher
Being a natural intuitive most of my life, I started my studies with natural, holistic, and healing therapies in 2010. I began the journey for my own passionate search in finding awareness and love for myself. It was serendipitous, of course, and came to me in a part of my life when I needed it to show up the most. This is exactly what healing therapies do. I had been sick with no explanation from doctors, woke up from a routine ENT procedure and had no use of my left arm. Then I lost my father to ALS. We have all been through not so pleasant times. These times allowed me to learn that I needed healing on all levels, not just the physical form, much like so many others in the world.
Since 2010, I have been following my heart and learning that there is always more that can be done on my own part to excelerare my healing by simply being aware and loving myself. I learned how to accomplish this through continuously studying different holistic healing therapies. These therapies led me to becoming a master crystal healer, a 200hr Registered Yoga Teacher, licensed massage therapist, Master Shamballa Light Warrior, and Master of Integrated Energy Therapy. After learning, growing, and healing myself personally, I now know how to share these beautiful healing modalities with everyone. Any person who is open to learn, and willing to align themselves with love and light can learn how to make anything possible. Becoming my own self love warrior is the most rewarding journey I have ever been on. I am blessed every day to share my story and passion with everyone and guide others by shining my light so bright that their own inner self love-warrior starts to shine. We are all healers, we are all light, we are all love. Namaste!
Chetana Karla Shakti
Passionate about life & health she draws from a wide range of theories and experience to bring you messages direct from Source. Chetana is a wonderful spiritual guide and ally.
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