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What adjectives do you hear?
Here's the list with meanings:
Big: Of considerable size or extent.
Noisy: Making a lot of noise; loud or disruptive.
Small: Of a size that is less than average or usual.
Cold: Having a low temperature; lacking warmth.
Quiet: Making little or no noise; calm and peaceful.
African: Relating to Africa or its diverse cultures.
Brazilian: Relating to Brazil or its people, culture, or language.
Wonderful: Extremely good; inspiring delight or admiration.
Black: Having the darkest color, like the night sky.
Easy: Not difficult; requiring little effort or exertion.
Red: Of the color resembling that of blood or a ripe tomato.
Guilty: Feeling responsible for a wrongdoing; culpable.
Hot: Having a high temperature; producing heat.
Short: Of little length; not long in duration.
Deep: Extending far down from the top or surface.
Poor: Lacking wealth or sufficient resources; not well-off.
Excellent: Extremely good; outstanding or remarkable.
Underground: Situated or occurring below the surface of the ground.
English: Relating to England or its language and culture.
Super: Extremely good; surpassing others of its kind.
Evil: Morally wrong or wicked; malevolent.
Yellow: Having the color resembling that of ripe lemons.
Different: Not the same as another or each other; distinct.
Dark: Lacking light; of low brightness.
Bright: Emitting much light; strong and vivid.
Shiny: Having a smooth, glossy surface that reflects light.
Sunny: Characterized by bright sunlight; cheerful and warm.
Beautiful: Pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically; attractive.
Perfect: Having all the required or desirable elements.
Thin: Having a small distance between opposite sides.
Fat: Having an excess of flesh; plump or obese.
Peaceful: Free from disturbance; calm and tranquil.
